Free colourful nature inspired wallpapers for phone, tablet and desktop

Want to add some colourful nature vibe wallpapers to your phone, tablet or desktop?
I can’t believe it is June already! Where did May go? We are in week 11 (I think!?) of lockdown in the UK, and finally it feels like restrictions due to Covid are easing slightly. Some children have had their first day back to nursery and school today after weeks off (I can hear a few parents rejoicing!). Shops are making plans and getting ready for opening in a few weeks time and we can see a select few people in an outdoor space (socially distancing of course) - I've definitely been smelling some BBQ vibes going on today when I ventured out on my run.
Over the lockdown period I have really enjoyed discovering more of where we live, with nature walks through areas populated with wild horses, or along winding lanes lined with wild flowers. Stopping a moment to just take in the world’s beauty has really made me appreciate it more than ever. This month's free wallpapers are all inspired by nature, like the colourful coral reef, vibrant tropical birds, or majestic leopards. We thought it would be lovely to add a bit of colourful nature vibes to your devices.
I have designed two desktop wallpapers, two tablet wallpapers and three phone wallpapers to download for FREE. The designs are based on our Natural Wonders card collection which you can find in our shop here.
Simply scroll down to the bottom of the blog post and download them. We’d love to see them in action too! Tag your photos including our @loveraspberryblossom handle on Facebook or Instagram.
I hope they brighten up your day :-)
Rebecca x
June Cacti Calendar Desktop Wallpaper
Wild Flowers Pattern Desktop Wallpaper
Zebra Illustration Tablet Wallpaper
Butterfly Illustration Pattern Tablet Wallpaper
Coral and Shell Pattern Illustration Mobile Wallpaper
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