Sunny vibes for a fun filled May! Free HD phone, tablet and desktop wallpapers to enjoy

It’s May and in the UK it is starting to feel like things are slowly getting back to some form of ‘normality’. We’re able to see people outside and also shops and bars have been open allowing people to begin to socialise again in real life. It feels like we have been in hibernation for some time!
So with that said, this month’s free wallpaper downloads are all about fun in the sun with friends; from picnics and cocktails to yummy sweet treats.
I have created two desktop wallpapers, two tablet wallpapers and six phone wallpapers that you can download completely FREE, all with a fun sunny vibe.
And even if the sun isn't shining outside, you can still enjoy the positive good-time vibes of the sunny wallpapers on your devices to keep you warm and feeling good!
Simply scroll down and download them via clicking the link under the images. We’d love to see them in action too! Tag your photos with @loveraspberryblossom on Facebook and Instagram.
I hope they brighten up your day ☺
Fun cocktail pattern wallpaper for desktop
Bright and sunny wallpaper for desktop with May calendar
'Keep it cool' illustrated ice lolly tablet wallpaper
Cheerful illustrated sunshine wallpaper for tablet
'Sunshine and sprinkles' phone wallpaper
Illustrated cocktail pattern phone wallpaper
Sweet illustrated ice cream phone wallpaper
'Keep it cool' phone wallpaper
'Be the sunshine' bright and positive phone wallpaper
Illustrated picnic cocktails phone wallpaper
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