Perfectly positive and free HD wallpapers for your phone, desktop and tablet.

Keen to add some colour and fun to your devices? We have just the answer with our bright designs filled with positive affirmations.
It's here! 2021. We made it through and have our fingers well and truly crossed that this year will be a lot more fun to navigate than 2020!
To kick off the new year, we have created two desktop wallpapers, two tablet wallpapers and six phone wallpapers that you can download completely FREE. The designs are based on one of our latest collections we have just launched called 'Say What?'.

Simply scroll down and download them via clicking the link under the images. We’d love to see them in action too! Tag your photos including our @loveraspberryblossom handle on Facebook or Instagram.
I hope they brighten up your day :-)
Rebecca x
Abstract Colourful Shapes Desktop Wallpaper
January Calendar Desktop Wallpaper
Colourful Moon and Shapes Tablet Wallpaper
Colourful Rainbow Tablet Wallpaper
'Take a Deep Breath' phone wallpaper
Colourful squiggles phone wallpaper
'Take things one step at a time' phone wallpaper
'Everyday is a day you haven't seen before' phone wallpaper
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